With his unusual background as a former academic, print designer, ad agency creative director, higher ed market researcher and enrolment consultant to more than a hundred colleges and universities, Ken Steele can provide insightful, data driven feedback and suggestions to revitalize your institutional communications and recruitment marketing, online and off. He has a keen eye for brand and design, a sound grasp of national research on the impact of print, effectiveness of outreach, usability of web architecture, and best practices in social media.
Ken can work with you to develop an optimal approach to achieve your objectives, incorporating some or all of the following components, to review your marketing communications structures, strategies, and tactics and significantly enhance your results.
Marketing Consulting Services:
Ken showed up on our BC campus at 8PM after a flight from Ontario and didn’t lose a minute — working a faculty gathering for information all evening. He then plunged into a day and a half of meetings with a perspicacity unmatched in my experience, emerging with a thorough understanding of who we are and what we needed. His tactical and strategic recommendations helped lead to a 51% increase in enrolment this fall, and he continues to help us spread the word about our new University long after his contract was up.
Dr. David J. Helfand, President, Quest University Canada
Ken is a lively and engaging presenter who brings his material to life through anecdote and compelling visuals. More than that, though, he is an evangelist for university communications and a subject matter expert.
Richard Fisher, Chief Communications Officer, Development & Alumni Engagement, UBC
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