Over the past 7 years, the Academica Top Ten has become indispensable as a source of news and inspiration from across the PSE landscape. But on hundreds of campuses coast to coast, it has become clear that there are plenty of innovative best and promising practices out there, many of which haven’t made it into the news, the Top Ten, or Ken Steele’s keynotes.
The Eduvation IdeaBank has been developed to gather the most intriguing, innovative ideas with the potential to transform higher education — not just from our own research, but from thousands of you working on the front lines every day. If there were just one unique thing about your institution that other institutions should emulate, what would it be? Have you seen a bright new idea for PSE teaching, student services, marketing, or revenue generation? We hope you’ll take a few moments to submit the idea, even if all you can provide is a starting point.
We’ve designed the IdeaBank to make it easy for you to browse by category, province, or institution, and hope you’ll take some time to explore what’s already here, too. If you think an Idea is particularly “bright,” please click “Like” so that it will rise within its category. If you have experience with something similar, questions, comments, or facts to augment the entry, please take a moment to add a comment to the Idea, even anonymously. We’re hoping to see some real discussion about some of these Ideas, and perhaps the “likes” will eventually lead to a national “Eduvation Award.”
Here are some places you might want to start:
BROWSE some of the latest Ideas
SEARCH for Ideas from your own institution, or province
Check out MARKETING Ideas
Check out PEDAGOGY Ideas
Check out REVENUE Ideas
SUBMIT your own Bright Idea (or tip us off to someone else’s)
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