For starters, make sure you know the 5 key concepts everyone should understand about this pandemic:
Eduvation has been monitoring the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on higher education, and the responses of Canadian colleges and universities:
The latest COVID-19 news at 80 Canadian college and university campuses. See our full spreadsheet of data or our archive of daily updates here.
Epidemiologists and Economists project the duration of the COVID-19 shutdowns.
In spring 2020, studies were disrupted, events cancelled, and campuses closed.
Our analysis of 18 surveys and 54,000 students and prospective students looks at their intentions to defer enrolment this fall.
In any scenario, COVID-19 will have a massive impact on the 2020-21 academic year.
By mid-May, half of Canadian institutions had announced plans for the Fall term. We analyze 87 institutional responses and look for patterns.
Institutions need to start planning now for a very different Fall and Winter term.
How might higher ed change permanently because of Coronavirus pandemic?
Institutions are finding novel ways to celebrate the class of 2020, from livestreams to drive-ins, robots to swag. (Also available as a white paper…)
Our COVID19 & Convocation white paper puts the ideas in a handy PDF format.
We look at the ways in which campus communicators responded to the pandemic.
From presidential updates to mascots social distancing, and parody music videos.
Campus leaders share words of optimism and hope.
Stay tuned for further COVID-19 coverage, or subscribe free to stay in the loop!
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