College and university campuses are evolving around the world, integrating more digital resources, relegating physical printed materials to offsite or underground storage, adding luxurious residences and amenities, creating more extroverted, social spaces for formal and informal learning.
Ken Steele is Canada’s leading higher education monitor and futurist. He co-founded Academica Group, created the Academica Top Ten, manages Eduvation Inc, co-authored Canada’s first book on enrolment management, and hosts a weekly webcast, Ten with Ken, that reaches thousands of subscribers on a dozen platforms. Ken brings his unique perspective and insight to a broad range of audiences, from faculty and instructors, boards and senior administration, to information technology staff, concerned parents, and Canada’s most powerful corporate CEOs.
In this fast-paced, media-rich session, Ken will share examples of some of the world’s most modern and forward-looking campus designs, trends in physical infrastructure, campus services and security, and more. Every keynote, workshop or session will be customized with your campus, audience and objectives in mind.
Here are some relevant episodes of 10K, for a sense of Ken’s approach and as potential examples to share with participants in advance:
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