Every year, hundreds of higher education administrators, staff, faculty, students and others engage with Ken Steele during Q&A sessions after his conference keynotes and campus presentations. They ask about what he has seen in his visits to hundreds of campuses, what he is hearing from administrators and government, how others have dealt with challenges or problems, even what advice he would give as a consultant. But plenty of people miss those presentations, or are too shy to ask during a Q&A session. Some of Ken’s 20,000 subscribers have written Ken with their questions, and he has always tried to respond as best he can.
“Ask Ken” lets anyone and everyone pose a question, even anonymously. (There’s no guarantee Ken will answer every question, and Eduvation reserves the right to remove offensive or damaging content.) Ken can answer a question for many people at once. And in every case, the question can be thrown open to thousands of others, who will doubtless be able to add their perspective, ideas, and experiences to Ken’s answer through comments.
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